Basic Details


My work is focused on building better bridges between formal and informal learning spaces. My current focus is on multigenerational placemaking and how institutions with their own agendas can learn from public participatory projects to promote belonging.  

My academic work takes a sociocultural approach to learning that foregrounds students’ experiences in multiple spaces and promotes exchange between different aspects of a heterogeneous learning ecology. In particular, my dissertation work focused on what I call “confluence spaces”, or those learning environments that specifically promote negotiation between different epistemic communities, encouraging students to recognize and utilize their own unique resources. 


PhD, Teaching, Learning and Diversity (2021)

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Focus on Learning Sciences

MEd, Teaching, Learning and Diversity (2015)

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Learning and Design strand

BA, Russian (2002)

Reed College, Portland, OR